In this article, we are going to discuss URL Shortner tool and their purpose. Have you ever used a link shortener for sharing your blog links or affiliate links? If not, you need to know some tools because it’s easy to do.
Using URL shortener is one of the easiest ways to convey people to click your link on social media. What is a URL shortener? What are the benefits that you will get?
What is a URL shortener?
A URL shortener is an easy tool that assists you to convert a long URL into short URL.
For example:
Long URL:
Short URL:

If you want to turn this long URL into a short one, you need to go to URL shortener tool and place your long-form link in the box, and then click the button. You will get shorten URL like this one:
So, these URL Shortner tools help you to shorten confusing long website link into short ones as you want them. You should also understand that URL Shortner tools are also known as link Shortner tools. URL Shortner tool, usually known as shrinker, link compressor, URL condenser and vanity URL creator.
URL Shortener tool by
There are lots of URL Shortener tools available in the market. However, most of them only have a limited version for free. So, if you are looking free URL Shortener, SmallSEOTools’s URL Shortener tool is the good choice for you.
You can get your shorten format just in three steps.
1. Just go to
2. Place your copied long URL in a small text box having a blank URL bar in it.

3. Just hit the Shorten URL button right next to the blank URL bar.
When you click on the button, the tool will use its high-end algorithms and will turn your long link into a short one within less than two seconds!
Why should URL Shortner tools be used?
Here are the most important reasons to use URL Shortner tools for your marketing campaign.
1. Shorten URL make it easier to share on social media
When you use a short format link, you will get more click-through rate, especially on Twitter. Twitter only allowed 280 characters to share by users in a tweet. So, every character counts! If you use a long URL, it can be take up half of your space. By shortening the website link, you give yourself more room to “talk” and also it helps others retweet your tweet and share your post with their followers.
2. To protect your affiliate
Are you using affiliate links on your website or blog? You should use link shortener before placing affiliate links on your sites. Generally, affiliates links look ugly and the majority of visitors afraid to click links. So when you use a link shortener, you will get more CTR and protect your affiliate links from Google listed as spam.
3. Track Reports
Premium Shorten URL tools have an advanced tracking system. So, you can get information about who clicks, wherefrom in the world, and how many clicks your links are getting. Some free tools also have a limited option to track your reports.