Stock photography websites is a great resource for photographers to earn extra money. When purchasing royalty free images that means you can use them without any limitations. People use stock photos for all kinds of occasions, such as brochures, advertisements, presentations, slideshows, magazines, flyers, book covers, articles or anything else.
There are many agencies that provide quality stock images, media and design elements, including illustration and photos. Here is collection of most popular 16 stock photography websites and services. If you like this best stock image agencies list you might also want to check out our previous posts below.
iStock is the web’s original source for royalty-free stock images, media and design elements. now offer vector illustrations, videos, music and sound effects, Flash and, coming soon, logos.

Online photo library Dreamstime holds over 15 million royalty-free stock images and illustrations.

Fotolia is devoted to offering affordable creative imagery. Our crowdsourced library includes millions of royalty-free images, vectors, illustrations and video footage clips.

123RF is your one-stop royalty-free photo library offering stunning, practical stock photos at the most affordable price
Dreamstime is like a designer’s dream-come-true. The largest collection of FREE and commercial stock photos and images anywhere. Download from over 18 million photos, illustrations & vectors.

Find millions of quality images, illustrations, vectors and stock photography perfectly priced to fit your project’s budget.

Every day added thousands of photographs, illustrations, and vectors to our outstanding collection of premium, royalty-free images.

Download royalty-free images, high resolution stock photos, vector art and illustrations from Thinkstock .

Download premium quality stock photos, graphics and vector illustrations from $1. Save even more with our subscription plans.

Cutcaster is an exclusive source of royalty-free vectors, illustrations and photos, which are neatly organized according to topic.

PhotoSpin has amassed 3 million awesome stock photos and illustrations in two principal collections.

Affordable Royalty Free Stock Photography. Downloads for just $1.00, with thousands of images added daily.

stock photography community – browse our huge gallery for high quality stock photos or share yours with others.

A leading worldwide supplier of digital media such as stock photography, editorial images, classic archival footage, music and multimedia.

Jupiter Images
Provides stock photography and stock illustrations with over 2.5 million royalty-free images to choose from.

Buy & sell stock photos at the web’s largest stock photography site. Search over 40 million royalty free & rights managed stock images & videos.