
Six best websites to buy books online

There is always an undying debate between reading ebooks and paper books. Some people like to read the soft copies of a book on...

What to expect from the upcoming Android 12?

Google recently hosted Google I/O 2021 – its annual event for developers. Happening online this year, many announcements were made including what to expect...

The six best tools to manage social media accounts

In our article detailing the different reasons people are losing followers on Instagram, we talked about the importance of consistency. That is the case...

5 reasons you are losing followers on Instagram and how to fix it

If you maintain an Instagram page, it can be exciting to see those likes and comments come in after posting something. Getting those new...

The best add-ons to make Google Sheets look professional

Google Sheets are one of the best resources to manage data. Whether it is for professional or personal use, this spreadsheet program makes keeping...

Google Photos to stop free storage. Where to store all your files?

For many people, Google Photos has been the go-to source for storing pictures and videos. Once the settings are set to sync automatically, everything...

What is NFT? And the different things that were sold as NFT

The above picture is the famous Nyan Cat meme that has been on the internet for ten years now. Given its digital presence, anyone...

The best projector screens to buy in 2022 – based on different criteria

In our previous article about setting up a home theatre, we mentioned that projector screens are one display option. They are used to view...